Obtaining an estimate and solar savings analysis for the installation of a solar energy system for your business should be fairly simple.  Below is an outline of a typical estimate process.

  1. Obtain and analyze last year’s electric bills and interval data
  2. Determine the optimal size of your solar energy system
  3. Analyze property characteristics and determine the optimal solar panel placement
  4. Adjust system size based on property characteristics and recommend equipment options
  5. Model energy storage to determine viability
  6. Calculate year 1 savings and project 25 year savings
  7. Calculate ROI for cash purchase
  8. Review initial proposal with client and discuss finance options
  9. Walk property to inspect roof and main electrical service
  10. Fine tune proposal based on client meeting and property inspection
  11. Present finalized proposal and detailed finance quote
With a complete solar energy quote you can now make the business decision of when and how to get your project started.