Save Big on Your New Home Solar System: Monthly Offer + 30% Federal Tax Incentive + California Solar Rebate + Special Financing.  It Pays to Go Solar. Learn More and Save.

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California Solar Panel Financing

There was a time, not too long ago, when the cost of installation for a solar energy system was considered completely out of reach for many California residents. Since 2010, the cost has dropped by 50%, making it a much more realistic option for homeowners who want to enjoy the many benefits a solar energy system provides.

Considering that SolarMax Technology offers flexible solar panel financing, it’s now easier and more affordable than ever to upgrade your home with a custom-designed solar installation.  

The Benefits of Solar Financing

The goal of adding a home solar energy system to your house is to save you money every month by eliminating your electrical usage charges. Many homeowners don’t have the funds to buy a solar system as a lump-sum payment, so that’s where solar financing comes in, with flexible options that help you to stick to your budget and financial goals.

Lower Monthly Energy Payments: Some homeowners just want some relief from their monthly utility costs along with protection from constantly rising utility rates. If this describes your situation, the most attractive financing arrangement for you might be to put $0 down and finance the entire cost of your solar system over a longer period of time—up to 20 years. This allows you to go solar right away without shelling out any cash up front, and requires a monthly payment amount that is much more manageable than the energy costs you’ve been paying to your utility provider.

Long-term Solar Financing Example:

Your average electric usage charges = $300 a month

Solar finance:

  • Annual percentage rate: 4.99%**
  • Terms: 20 years
  • New solar payment: $160 a month

Bottom line: Without investing any money out of pocket to get up and running, you can save $140 on average every month. You’ll also have protection from rising utility rates. Just imagine the savings that will accumulate over the next 10 years!

   **You may qualify for a better rate with our special financing options.

Learn More about Our Residential Solar Energy Solutions

Contact us for more information about our top-rated residential solar energy solutions and flexible financing options. Call SolarMax Technology today, or fill out our online form right now, to schedule a free, in-home consultation.