Southern California Edison (SCE) has filed a "General Rate Case" application with the California Public Utilities Commission proposing rate increases for residential customers starting in 2021.

According to Edison, the purpose for the increase is "to cover its anticipated costs from 2021 through 2024 for its employees to inspect, repair, and, when appropriate, upgrade poles, transformers and distribution lines. This includes reducing wildfire risk and upkeeping the safety of the grid."

If approved, the average Edison residential customer's electricity rates will increase from 18.1 cents/kWh to 20.7 cents/kWh which is a 14.4% increase.

You can read the full details as well as find out where you can voice your opinion in this matter in Southern California Edison's Public Notice on 2021 GRC A.19-08-013. Here are all the proposed rate increase for Edison customers: