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Anaheim Home Battery For Solar

If and when the grid goes down, will your Anaheim home be able to handle it? Many local homeowners have no back-up plan in place, leaving their loved ones in a difficult, potentially unsafe position during sustained power outages. Don’t let your medical devices or other essential appliances turn off—call SolarMax Technology today!

With a home battery installation, you’ll be prepared for the unexpected, no matter when it strikes. You’ll also be able to save energy in non-emergency situations.

Back-up Power for Your Residential Solar System in Anaheim

SolarMax Technology ranks among the top 1% of solar installers nationwide, and we’re the only California company to locally design and assemble our exclusive solar panels. Because we’re a start-to-finish expert in residential solar power, you can count on us for Anaheim home back-up battery installation and so much more! From permitting and design to installation and solar tax credit, we can help you at every step of the way.

Here’s what you can expect from our home batteries and other renewable energy solutions:

  • Emergency Power: Our home batteries turn on automatically any time you’re disconnected from the power grid. You’ll get 10kWh of power to keep your essential electronics running.
  • Cost Savings: In addition to emergency power, our batteries can save you money by storing solar power and drawing it during higher-cost usage periods. Your home’s power system will be insulated from future price hikes.
  • Dependable Performance: We manufacture many of our own products, but for those we don’t, we’ve partnered with trusted industry leaders like LG. Our home batteries are quiet, reliable, and hassle-free to maintain.
  • Whole-Home Systems: Our comprehensive solar solutions for Anaheim homes include panels, back-up batteries, electric car charging ports, and more. We’ll make sure your home is eco-friendly and ready for emergency.
  • Financing Options: Our long-term solar panel financing makes it much more affordable to go green. With options for no money down, you may even pay less for your solar panels than you currently do for utilities!

Request Your Free Consultation for an Anaheim Home Battery Installation

Across California, we’re facing greater energy uncertainty each year. Make sure your home is protected in case of emergency—and remains affordable, even as energy bills climb—by calling SolarMax Technology today! Speak with an Anaheim solar expert to learn more about our affordable financing options and home battery systems. You can also get started right away by filling out our quick online form.